27 March 2024

A Family System (Concept) For FAMILY Members to update each other's situation and Earn Money Freelance as a side-effect.

FAMILY.BUSINESS(™) ~ a Privatised FAMILY Oriented Franchise-Formula & Company For WELL ORGANISED SENSIBLE FAMILY COMMUNITY With Healthy Trade [Evolved in 27 March 2024 (CET) from in 17 August 2023 (CET) invented Community System: COMMUNITY.BUSINESS™]

Production in PlayWork.Shop™ Establishments, intentional for Eleganthe FAMILY Community Members, whom can order online or via Eleganthe.Boutique™- & Eleganthe.Store™ Establishments & via stores with Eleganthe.Design™ Range.

Growing & Experiencing FAMILY Community with a non-profit approach? No, consider this...

Many children grew up in family households, where dad &/or mom gave their children a weekly allowance. And, surprise-surprise, they usually had to do some tasks &/or chores for it. So suggesting that too with other FAMILY Relatives, for an Intentional Fair & Healthy Balance concerning sort of performance & compensation.

In the past, FAMILY Community Building was as if an Economic Exchange/Trade System did not exist. Funding of FAMILY Community as a non-profit activity, via Volunteering, personal gifts was a fair attempt, (who would want that Worldly sales-oriented approach within their nearby Family Home walls). With SPIRITUAL.BUSINESS™, where we all try to attain PEACE for All People as Priority, personal functional financial Investments towards (a) FAMILY Member(s) to support for trying to attain PEACE are: OK. We believe Building & Experiencing FAMILY Community is to be rooted in Our Economy, with a viable and sustainable Family System: FAMILY.BUSINESS™: For WELL ORGANISED SENSIBLE FAMILY COMMUNITY With Healthy Trade.

Volunteering in general, did not financially pay 'the bills'. If bills were paid, it first had to come from somewhere: salaries from working at companies, government social security income from taxes generated by (people at) companies!!

FAMILY Members have demand for a way to earn a biological living. I evolved an earlier Community system into a system to combine FAMILY Community and earning freelance income. At this moment, that seems the best of both worlds. Coming together with Local FAMILY Community, being Productive with creating FAMILY.Productions™ Labeled Products via Online & Eleganthe.Boutique™ /Eleganthe.Store™/Eleganthe.Design™ request & FAMILY Community Members’ suggested designs AND enjoying each others’ presence!

We seek to approach FAMILY Community & Trade with a combination of FAMILY Community (Semi-)Professionals, SPIRITUAL.BUSINESS™ (see Home Page of this Site) & CommunityFactoring™ (Link: at this Site - Factoring here does not mean manufacturing, though refers to mathematical factoring.).

FAMILY.BUSINESS™ Establishments

This is intentionally for All FAMILY Community Members with a Digital/Physical Eleganthe.ID™ Card, whom have a place to come together to do & talk about FAMILY BUSINESS, PlayW​ork.Shop™ Matters (mentioned below).
Also, FAMILYBUSINESS.Events™ & Eleganthe.Network™ Meetings are intentionally hosted at FAMILY.BUSINESS™ Establishments, with Names for cafes: Elegant.Cafe™, for restaurants: Elegant.Restaurant™, for lunchrooms: ElegantLun.ch™ & for party-centers: ElegantParty.Center™.

Some clarification about FAMILY BUSINESS Events:

Our experience is that 'FAMILY Community Building' is preferably integrated (not a main goal by itself) in Programme=>Projects. What We have in COMMON is that We All try to attain PEACE and that We are trying together as a FAMILY Community: That's Our Programme!

Even when PEACE situation is attained for All PEOPLE, getting to know each other more would be more natural when there is/are (a) Project(s)/Programme(s) to talk about and to be busy with.

FAMILY.BUSINESS™ Establishments have Relation with PlayW​ork.Shop™ Establishment(s) (see below).


A FAMILY Community Resourced Product Label: Elegant.Moda™ (for Clothes via Online & Eleganthe.Boutique Service Establishments) & Elegant.ooo™ (for other than Clothes, with 'ooo' meaning: 'hugs', via Online & Eleganthe.Store™/Eleganthe.Design™ Establishments), with design & production by FAMILY Community Members in:

PlayW​ork.Shop™ Establishments

For example:

=) An Eleganthe FAMILY Member may online with or without Eleganthe.Boutique™ /Eleganthe.Store™/Eleganthe.Design™* Service Establishment order a FAMILY.Productions™ Labeled product:

  1. FAMILY.BUSINESS™ lists this product request via FAMILY.BUSINESS™ Portal for Eleganthe FAMILY Members, whom can online notify interest to (co-)create an Elegant.ooo™-/Elegant.Moda™ Labeled product, within set time period & budget made available by ordering Eleganthe FAMILY Member;

  2. Depending on detail of product request, FAMILY Community Members may respond with product designs;

  3. If a product design is selected by ordering Eleganthe FAMILY Member, the chosen product design/creation offering Eleganthe FAMILY Member is notified and Workshop Space at a PlayW​ork.Shop™ is scheduled and materials may be pre-paid bought (with VAT receipt(s)) by chosen supplying Eleganthe FAMILY Member, for (co-)creation of that Elegant.ooo™- / Elegant.Moda™ Labeled product;

  4. PlayW​ork.Shop™ supplies Workshop Space and equipment for (co-)creating supplying Eleganthe FAMILY Member(s), whom then tries to produce the physical product(s) of which they proposed their product design within intentional proposed time frame;

  5. Product(s) is/are labeled** during/after production with FAMILY.Productions™ Elegant.ooo™/Elegant.Moda™ Product Label(s) and when finished, is/are send by PlayW​ork.Shop™ to Eleganthe FAMILYto try Member who placed the order for this product.

*) For ordering a FAMILY.Productions Labeled product via Eleganthe.Boutique, Eleganthe.Store or Eleganthe.Design Establishment, there is a supplemental service fee

=) Eleganthe FAMILY Members may suggest Elegant.ooo™/Elegant.Moda™ product ideas and production intention at Internet.Business™ FAMILY.BUSINESS™: ExchangeWithFamily™ Portal:

  1. A Shopping Eleganthe FAMILY Member, may order a suggested product design and pre-pay the listed amount at Internet.Business™ FAMILY.BUSINESS™: ExchangeWithFamily™ Portal;

  2. The chosen product suggesting Eleganthe FAMILY Member is asked to schedule with a PlayW​ork.Shop™ Establishment and pre-pay buy product material(s) (with VAT invoice(s)) and bring to respective PlayW​ork.Shop™ Establishment for (co-)creation of Elegant.ooo™ / Elegant.Moda™ product;

  3. Product idea offering Eleganthe FAMILY Member(s) is/are facilitated with Workshop Space to (co-)create suggested product(s) at that 
    PlayW​ork.Shop™ Establishment, Labeled** Elegant.ooo™ /  Elegant.Moda™ during/after production;

  4. And when product is finished, is send by PlayW​ork.Shop™ to Eleganthe FAMILY Member whom placed the order for this product.

=) A Company with Publivity™ C.S.R. Membership (link: at this site) may place a request at Internet.Business for finishing some of their semi-finished products( and if applicable provide finishing materials/equipment):

  1. This request, if accepted, will be forwarded to (a) PlayW​ork.Shop™ Establishment(s) and if they accept it, it will be listed at Internet.Business Portal;

  2. Depending on detail of product request, Eleganthe FAMILY Members may respond with product finishing designs, estimated labour fees (and if applicable production materials costs) for that semi-finished products finishing request;

  3. Requesting Company can select suggested product finishing designs (incl. freelance fees & if applicable, finishing materials (which may vary in price));

  4. Requesting Company becomes Ordering Company by pre-paid ordering selected suggested to be (co-)created products;

  5. Then selected product designing Eleganthe FAMILY Community Member(s) are either

    • asked to pre-pay buy product finishing materials with (a) (VAT) invoice(s) and after bought product finishing materials with invoice(s) are delivered to PlayWork.Shop™ Establishment, scheduled for Workshop Space, provided with semi-finished product(s) (and perhaps finishing equipment) to try to finish the semi-finished products of requesting Company for which they proposed their product design(s) within intentional proposed time frame.

  6. asked to pay refundable*** participation fee(s) (if finishing materials are provided by requesting Company). FAMILY Community Member(s) are facilitated (perhaps scheduling required) with PlayW​ork.Shop™ Space, semi-finished product(s) and finishing material(s)( and perhaps finishing equipment) to try to finish the semi-finished product(s) of requesting Company for which they proposed their product design(s) within intentional proposed time frame.

  7. Product(s) is/are labeled** during/after production with FAMILY.Productions™ Product Label: Elegant.Moda™ or Elegant.ooo™ and is/are send by PlayW​ork.Shop™ Establishment(s) to ordering Company.

**) labeled: With QR-code on Label, with link to some product creation story background at Internet.Business and link to (co-)creator(s).

***) refundable participation fee: Only refundable if & after FAMILY Community Member(s) finish(es) requesting Company their semi-finished product(s).

Participating FAMILY Community Members are required to first register online for an ElegantheID™, agreeing with SPIRITUAL.BUSINESS™ Some Principles and that they have asked 'THE FAITH QUESTION' mentioned there and stated statement at Principle 10 of these Principles with Inner Voice.

At PlayW​ork.Shop™ Establishment, they are individually asked ElegantheID™ Code and show passport/ID card also used for registration to obtain an ElegantheID™ Code, if applicable with residence- & work permit.

Financial payments to Eleganthe FAMILY Member(s) are (per order) transferred to a National Bank account of Country where PlayW​ork.Shop™ Establishment is based and is done in 2 parts:

1. if applicable, financial reimbursement of advanced payment of material(s) cost(s) OR Refund of Participation fee & 2. freelance gross compensation, with Eleganthe FAMILY Member(s) having responsibility to report this freelance income to their Country's Tax Office. They may owe their National Tax Office taxes over paid out freelance gross amount(s).

Participating Eleganthe FAMILY Members may also be people with their own sole-proprietorship company (and VAT) registration (with legal reg. document(s)) with maximum 1 registered participating household partner (minimum biological age & maximum hours per day/week/month applies and may differ per Country) and at PlayW​ork.Shop™ Establishment is/are asked ElegantheID™ Code(s) and show passport(s)/ID card(s), if applicable with residence- & work permit. Production is required to be done at (a) 
PlayW​ork.Shop™ Establishment(s).

Run a FAMILY.BUSINESS™ Franchise Establishment?

FAMILY COMMUNITY Oriented owners of registered companies (for example: Party-Centers, Restaurants, Lunchrooms, Cafés) Internationally, whom like to make the shift from catering oriented to FAMILY BUSINESS Events with an emphasis to Healthy Trade & Eleganthe Network Meetings.

This could mean a 'FAMILY.BUSINESS™'-Sticker on the entrance door OR a more visible sign (AND perhaps later a listing via FAMILY.BUSINESS™ Directory). This is only for FAMILY Members whom have obtained an ElegantheID™ Card and can either show it via an App on their Smartphone or a physical Card.

~ To apply, Contact Us.

Run a PlayW​ork.Shop™ Franchise Establishment?

This is for FAMILY Community Oriented Social Entrepreneurs whom per Establishment, set-up & manage physical workshop (factoring) space. For example, their roles are to facilitate FAMILY.Productions™ labeled products creation.

~ To apply, Contact Us.

Run an Eleganthe.Boutique™ Service Point or Eleganthe.Store™ Franchise Establishment or Eleganthe.Design™ Range with your existing Store?

This is for (aspiring) Eleganthe FAMILY Members, whom like to provide (retail) service to Eleganthe FAMILY Members wishing to buy/order FAMILY.Productions™ Labeled Products(, designed & intentionally (co-)created by offering Eleganthe FAMILY Members).

Per Elegant.Boutique™ Service Point, We intend at least 1 Body Scanner (underwear (not shorts) can be kept on) for intentional tailor made clothes.

Ordering is done at Internet.Business Portal, with fee for provided service by Store- / Boutique Franchise Owner and is only for Eleganthe FAMILY Members whom have obtained an ElegantheID™ Code and can login to this Portal. Service Fee is indirectly paid to Franchise Owners, via FAMILY.BUSINESS (Company).

Eleganthe.Store™ Establishments & stores with Eleganthe.Design™ Range, may order Elegant.ooo™ products from FAMILY.BUSINESS™ for their own stock to directly sell to Eleganthe Members at their "brick-and-mortar"-store.

If for Fair reason(s) an ordered Elegant.Moda™ product is not suitable/fitting, an Eleganthe.Boutique™ Establishment with Service Point may purchase this item with a discount from person who ordered this item and Eleganthe.Boutique™ Establishment may sell this in their Store to another Eleganthe FAMILY Member. Item needs to have valid QR-Code with it.
This item bought with a discount from original purchaser, will be listed online and can be sold online & in store as an already produced item, with QR-Code.

~ To apply, Contact Us.

Michael Roeten (1974)
Chief Inventor
Chief Inventor